How do we use the information we collect about you?

In order to complete this transaction successfully, our team gathers personal data like the address, name and email address of the customers who purchase items from us.

While you are browsing our website, your computer\’s IP (internet protocol) address will be automatically transmitted to us. It helps us identify your operating system as along with your internet browser.

Email marketing (if relevant) If you give us permission We may email you email updates about our store, new products or other information.


How do I best to obtain my consent?

We will accept your consent if you provide us with your personal details for the purpose of carrying out a particular transaction. This may be to confirm your credit card details or to make an order arrange a delivery or even return something.

If we ask for your personal data to fulfill a different purpose, for example, marketing, we\’ll request your expressed consent, or offer you the possibility to opt out.


The information you supply to us could be made public if it is required by law or if our terms of service are not in compliance.


Third-party service providers that we use will generally only collect, store, and transfer your information in the extent required to provide our services.

However, certain Third-party Service Providers, including payment gateways, as well as other processors for transactions are governed by their privacy policies regarding the information we are required to give them in connection with your purchase-related transactions.

With these companies, we suggest that you review their privacy policies so you are aware of the way the personal information you provide will be handled by these providers.

Keep in mind that providers and their facilities could be located or situated in a different area of jurisdiction. If you choose to complete an order using the services of third-party providers Your personal information could be subject to laws in the country where the service provider is located or operates its facilities.

Section 5 – Security

We use all measures reasonably possible to protect the personal data you provide.

Your credit card data is stored in a secure format AES-256 using Secure Socket Layer (SSL). While no transmission method over the Internet or other electronic storage system is completely secure. We adhere to the PCI DSS specifications.

Section 6: The Age at which You Can CONSENT

If you use this site you affirm that you are at least 18 years old in your home province, state or country in any province or state, or you have provided us with your permission to let any minor dependents that you have access to the site.